Methodist Children’s Home is committed to supporting and empowering like-minded organizations and groups by sharing expertise and training. One such collaboration is with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) El Paso-Juarez. The agency has ministries in 180 countries and specializes in discipleship training, anti-trafficking work and community outreach. YWAM also operates a children’s home in Juarez, Mexico, and are in the beginning stages of implementing Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) into their program. After collaborating with Zahire Gonzalez-Villa, director of MCH Family Outreach in El Paso, representatives from YWAM visited the Waco campus to meet with MCH leadership and staff from various programs.
During their two-day site visit, YWAM staff saw firsthand how MCH implements TBRI principles and other models of trauma informed care across various areas of residential services. Discussions varied from daily residential operations, behavior intervention practices, psychology services, education supports and more. John Warren, community engagement and training specialist, led the site visit.
“MCH is in a unique position in that we are able to share our trauma-informed journey with like-minded organizations that serve children and youth from hard places,” Warren said. “These visits build new collaborations and we learn a lot from our guests as well. We are looking forward to our continued relationship with YWAM as we identify areas in which we can be of assistance.”
MCH is grateful for its partnership with the Karyn Purvis Institute for Child Development (KPICD) and our TBRI Ambassador Organization status which allow our staff to step up and step out to help and support other agencies.
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