I seek out individuals who lead by example, set up opportunities for authentic examinations of who we are as a ministry – versus just who we say we are – and dedicate their energies to finding solutions, not simply identifying the problem. Our leadership team exhibits these attributes, and so much more, in order to make MCH the best it can be.
– Trey Oakley, MCH President/CEO
Methodist Children’s Home will launch a new strategic plan in 2020 to chart the course of the ministry for the next five years. The plan is named “Building on a Strong Foundation,” as it will expand on a profound legacy of impact spanning 130 years.
As part of the planning process, MCH leadership and staff are charged with examining existing programs and services as well as exploring areas for potential growth. It is a collaborative effort overseen by a talented group of vice presidents and advisors, which includes three new faces, who make up the MCH leadership team. This team works alongside MCH President/CEO Trey Oakley and plays a vital role in fulfilling the mission of MCH to save and change lives.
“We have a saying at MCH – there is no chain of command on ideas,” Oakley said. “Our leadership team takes seriously their role in fostering open communication among those who want the best for our ministry and then empowering, equipping and encouraging others to find the most effective ways to serve children, youth and families. I am blessed and honored to lead such a talented and gifted group of people.”
Meet the Leadership Team
JUDY BROADWAY – Vice President for Human Resources
Tenure and background: Hired in 1992 as MCH personnel director. Served as personnel administrator before being promoted to vice president in 2000. Previous experience includes 18 years in personnel management.
Areas of focus: Broadway is responsible for the operations and supervision of the Human Resources department including monitoring employment law, grievance and counseling processes, employee relations programs, events and communication, management training, compliance, staff recruitment, and employment manuals. Broadway oversees the administration of employee performance evaluations, benefits and compensation. She also serves as chairperson of the Risk Management committee.
In her words: “The commitment that is constantly demonstrated and reaffirmed from our leadership is overwhelmingly heartfelt. I felt early on that the vision and mission of our leaders is evident in everything we do and every decision made on behalf of those we serve. The dedication from all the leaders I have had the privilege to work alongside continues to be the driving force in providing opportunity and success for our youth and families. This is a mission of hope, trust, love, and ministry that truly affects all who benefit from such expertise and all who are employed here.”
LYLE MASON – Vice President for Development
Tenure and background: Joined MCH as a fundraiser in 2010 and promoted to director for benefactor relations in 2012, serving four years. Returned to MCH in 2019 as vice president. Previous experience includes working in both for-profit and nonprofit sectors.
Areas of focus: Mason is responsible for running an effective and efficient Development department. He leads a fundraising team and program purposed to bridge the charitable desires and resources of benefactors with the financial needs and mission of MCH. He also leads special projects like the Building Hope capital campaign and oversees and supervises the residential volunteer program and Spiritual Development department.
In his words: “It’s very evident that every member of the leadership team feels our specific roles and opportunities for influence are God-given. I’ve noticed how deeply each person cares about each other, our employees, and the children and families we serve. It means a lot to me that as we conduct important meetings and make significant decisions, we are constantly coming together in prayer, asking the Lord to grant us the wisdom necessary to ensure all are flourishing. This shared commitment to God, one another, and the entire MCH community is truly inspiring and special. It’s for these reasons I’m so proud to be part of our leadership team.”
JULIE MITCHELL – Vice President for Finance/CFO
Tenure and background: Became vice president in 2011 after 14 years of experience as a certified public accountant and firm partner working on small business services, audits, employee benefits, and serving as controller.
Areas of focus: Her primary responsibilities include oversight of accounting, technology and plant services. She collaborates with executive management and administrators to prepare and adhere to an annual budget in order to advance strategic initiatives and maintain current programs. Mitchell also works with the Investment committee and third-party consultants to manage the endowment assets of MCH, provides support for the Accounting department, and works with the Technology department to provide a secure data infrastructure. Mitchell collaborates with others to accomplish capital projects and manages the employee retirement plan and other employee benefits.
In her words: “I am most proud to be a part of this leadership team because they enable me to use my accounting and business skills in a group setting so that the overall accomplishment is to help others.”
BRYAN MIZE – Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
Tenure and background: Served as public relations director at MCH for 12 years prior to being named vice president in 2014. Worked 14 years in higher education as a public relations director before coming to MCH.
Areas of focus: His primary responsibilities include strategic planning, continuous quality improvement, public relations, training, national accreditation, and employee communication. Mize collaborates with the executive management team and strategic initiatives officers to facilitate the strategic planning process that supports the vision and mission of MCH. He provides oversight of the Training department, which maintains responsibility for helping the agency meet the licensing and professional development needs of employees. Mize also works with the public relations team to ensure internal and external communication and branding support the strategic plan and agency standards.
In his words: “I consider it a privilege and blessing to be part of this ministry’s leadership team as we work together to provide direction, resources and other support for employees and the children and families we serve across Texas and New Mexico.”
DENISE ONDREY – Executive Assistant to the President
Tenure and background: Has served MCH for more than 37 years, beginning in the secretarial pool. Worked as division secretary, home parent, administrative assistant to vice presidents, and student events coordinator before joining the president’s office.
Areas of focus: Ondrey is responsible for day-to-day operations of the president’s office. She is the secretary for the MCH Board of Directors where she plans and organizes meetings and Board-related events. She also plans all-staff meetings, facilitates employee recognitions, manages student release files, and answers inquiries.
In her words: “I love MCH for the possibilities of goodness offered to the children and families we serve. I have always felt that no matter what my workday holds, I have the great opportunity to benefit children and families and to be a small part of what makes MCH a great place.”
TRACI WAGNER – Vice President for Programs
Tenure and background: Has served MCH for more than 12 years, first as director and case manager in the Crockett satellite office before becoming director of MCH Family Outreach in Tyler. Worked as program administrator for the East region of MCH Family Outreach before becoming vice president in 2020. She was promoted to vice president for programs in April after serving in an interim role. Worked in the juvenile justice system as an associate psychologist and later as a program administrator in the State’s mental health program prior to MCH.
Areas of focus: Wagner provides leadership and support for the overall continuum of programs and services throughout Texas and New Mexico. Under her leadership, MCH will explore opportunities for new services and collaborations that help fulfill the organization’s mission and strategic initiatives. Wagner implements quality improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of programs and services, helps develop and monitor an annual program budget, and ensures effective communication and compliance with contract, licensure and accreditation bodies. Wagner also plans and coordinates projects and special initiatives with leadership to ensure continuity and consistency.
In her words: “We have great blessings of a strong history and foundation, a supportive Board and leadership team, support services, and a skilled workforce who work daily to positively impact our communities. Our ministries rely on research-proven tools but also afford the flexibility to meet the individual needs of children and families. It is a great joy to work alongside the best and brightest team doing what I love.”
AHMAD WASHINGTON – Lead Advisor to the President
Tenure and background: Has served MCH for more than 20 years as a youth care counselor, home life manager, admissions social worker, and spiritual development minister. Serves in the community through his MovementUp ministry for children and young adults in schools, group homes, juvenile detention centers, colleges and universities, and other programs and organizations.
Areas of focus: Washington is responsible for offering informed, godly counsel to the MCH president regarding the ministry and its various components. He also researches and discovers partnerships with likeminded community organizations and ministries.
In his words: “I am most proud to be a part of our leadership team because I know we have a shared passion to positively impact the lives of children, youth and families. I love the fact that this leadership team is willing to honestly assess the health of this ministry and celebrate what is going well while also dealing faithfully and courageously with those things that are not healthy.”
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