On Jan. 24, 2020, Methodist Children’s Home celebrated the service of Moe Dozier, vice president for programs. Dozier retired after 14 years with MCH.
The celebration was held at Johnson Student Center and attended by many current and former staff, representatives from partnering agencies, current MCH residents, and members of the Dozier family. Dozier received several gifts including photographs and special artwork, an MCH Bulldogs football jersey, and a fire pit made by students from the agricultural science class at the MCH charter school.
Former MCH president Bobby Gilliam hired Dozier on Jan. 16, 2006 as vice president for residential services. He was promoted to vice president for programs in 2014. Under his leadership, MCH implemented a trauma-informed approach in all services and programs and utilized evidence-based programming and outcomes to improve effectiveness.
MCH also developed an independent living program, services for grandparents and other kinship caregivers, and adoption services for foster families. Dozier led efforts to grow MCH Family Outreach by opening offices in strategic locations and expanded the continuum of care through home services and parent education classes. Dozier also provided leadership in educational and extracurricular opportunities. He worked to establish an athletic and fine arts program for students, and the MCH charter school has now celebrated 361 graduates since it began in 2003.
Dozier worked with state and federal policymakers to advocate for children. He also advocated through the Coalition of Residential Excellence (CORE), Texas Coalition of Homes for Children (TCHC), and Texas Alliance of Child and Family Services (TACFS).
He has 44 years of experience working with children, youth and families and has held a variety of leadership positions with public and private sector caregiving agencies in Texas. Dozier earned his Bachelor of Science from West Texas State University in Canyon, Texas, and his Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Child-Care Administrator and Licensed Child-Placing Agency Administrator.
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