The month of April marked Child Abuse Prevention Month and several MCH Family Outreach offices took part in efforts to raise awareness in their communities.
MCH Family Outreach in Corpus Christi and El Paso partnered with local agencies in planting pinwheel gardens. The gardens are part of an initiative called Pinwheels for Prevention led by Prevent Child Abuse America, a national organization who works to prevent abuse and neglect of the nation’s children. The gardens are meant to serve as a reminder to the community to take a stand against child abuse and show support to local agencies serving children.
MCH Family Outreach in Corpus Christi planted a pinwheel garden for the third year. With 1,176 pinwheels this year, the garden was nearly four times the size from the first year when the office planted 300 pinwheels. They partnered with CASA of the Coastal Bend, BCFS Health and Human Services, Education Service Center Region 2 Home Visiting Program, and Arms Wide to plant pinwheels to represent the children in foster care for Nueces, San Patricio and Aransas counties in 2017. They also participated in a “Ringing of the Bells” ceremony on April 5 with the Chamber of Commerce, mayor and city council members to “ring in the month” of April to bring awareness to child abuse prevention.
Staff of MCH Family Outreach in El Paso collaborated with Child Protective Services and Girl Scout Troop #52104 for its first pinwheel project. The Girl Scouts and parents learned the meaning behind the pinwheel gardens and helped plant 500 pinwheels. They were also invited to attend Go Blue Day celebration on April 6 which included a balloon release to build awareness in the community for child abuse prevention.
MCH Family Outreach in Houston also participated in a balloon release for Go Blue Day to honor children affected by abuse and neglect. Staff from MCH Family Outreach in Waco wore blue to show their support for the cause as well.
In Dallas, Outreach staff handed out blue bracelets that said, “Be a Hero – Foster a Child” to foster parents, clients, friends, families, and other employers in their office building to recognize Child Abuse Prevention month. They also wore shirts that said, “There is no excuse for Child Abuse” every Thursday in April to raise awareness.
Thank you to our MCH Family Outreach offices for their efforts during Child Abuse Prevention Month!

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