3 Years of Service
Back row, from left: Bradford Lewis, Jonathan Olivarez, Paul Fields, Russell Rankin, Michael Lewis, Chris Judy, Tim Brown (president)
Middle row: Cathy Lawless, Stephanie Cummings, Max Larseingue, Nicholas Molnar
Front row: Sara Beth Stoltzfus, Morgan Lyons, Marchelle Sabido-Villa, Lou Larseingue, LaKiesha Chatman
Not pictured: Melissa Arroyo, Dulce Garcia, Stephen Massington, Sarah Musick, Monica Rose, Joe Williams
5 Years of Service
Back row, from left: Marjorie Parker, Geoffrey Nelson, James Lewis, Tim Brown (president)
Middle row: Charles Roof, Lindsay Blagg, Diana Luvianos, Josie Rendon
Front row: Stacy Roof, Brooke Davilla, Jeremy Webb, Bryan Dodd
Not pictured: Yolanda McClatchy-Adanandus, Jason Davis, Michelle Gunter,
Patti Pursley, Anabel Robles, Matt Rodgers, Crystal Motok-Salinas, Jean Wright
10 Years of Service
Back row, from left: Michael McDowell, James Garrett, Tim Brown (president)
Middle row: Christina Gerhardt, Laura Bonner, Suzanne Frerich
Front row: Pamela Logan, Patti Garrett, Yvonne Jackson, Martha Brown
Not pictured: Abbie Garcia, Sheila Kendricks
15 Years of Service
Back row, from left: Gary Freeman, Tim Brown (president)
Middle row: Regina Akers, Denise Nors
Front row: Anna Sims, Bryan Mize
Not pictured: Genie Greer, Robert Rice, Sharon Walker
20 Years of Service
From left: Lindy Dehm, Tim Brown (president)
25 Years of Service
Back row: Tim Brown (president)
Front row: Judy Broadway, Rhonda Anderson, Judy Sammons
30 Years of Service
From left: Tim Fedro, Tim Brown (president), Pat Close
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